hany zackova

Art Direction
Creative Design

Miloš Budík calendar

This calendar is the winner of the Grand Prix and First Place Award for Design in the Calendar of the Year Awards 2015, awarded by Typografia Magazine.

It is large-format calendar featuring Miloš Budík's photgraphy is unique. It celebrates an 80-year retrospective of his artwork.

The calendar introduces the most important pieces of the work of Miloš Budík (born 1935), who is a very important figure in the Czech photography of '60s and '70s.

In the calendar, one can find works from his most acknowledged three decades, from the '60s to the '80s. The first decade features documentary photography, often referring to humanistic ideals. The second, which might be called “The Poetry of Everyday Life”, features pictures of '60s that are recorded in a remarkable way and demonstrate everyday life.

The last one is a collection of Budík’s landscapes. The countryside of the Czech highlands was his main motif during the first years of '70s and '80s.

Special thanks go to: Miloš Budík and Tiskárna Helbich.